License to Mock
Vanity plate—those vehicle tags with personalized expressions usually limited to seven characters—have always bugged me.
I see more of them than most of you. According to a study by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, Virginia has the highest “vanity plate penetration rate” of any US state: more than 16 percent.
Sure, it’s a great way for states to make extra money, thus lowering taxes for the rest of us. I’m all in favor of that. But I’ve always had difficulty understanding why people would pay extra money just to have strangers pass them, look at their oddly abbreviated pet phrase, and say one of two things:
“How clever!”
“What the $% does that mean?!?”
Well, one New Zealander’s ingenuity caught up with him recently when, according to this story form the online Boston Herald, his Subaru Impreza was stolen.
What did its plate say?
That goes in the “Vanity Plate, How Appropriate” file. Just like these:
Senator Ted Stevens: CORRUPT
Barack Obama: ROBNHUD
Sarah Palin: ICRUSHA
Mainstream news media: 2BIASED
My financial advisor: GOODLCK
And I’m ashamed to admit that back in the day I used to have a vanity plate. So I must add:
David Amulet: HYPOCRT
I had one too way back when...
Now I wouldn't have one at gunpoint!
One of my friends has one. Says:
It was way more effective on her little sports car then her New Mom 4-wheel drive.
good ones!
I'm ashamed to admit i had one too it said: lvdlfns
do you get it?
Never had one, as I was too cheap. A friend I had had one that said NOTKTPS, but he got them anyway. How about some more?
Dick Cheney-FCBLSTR
Most anyone from my high school-
Lame attempts, yes, but I had to try.
LOl-I've never had one, but I wouldn't be apposed to it. Especially if I thought of something I really liked. Interesting about VA. I lived in California for a while, and I noticed tons while I was there.
haha I like your plate, good one David. Sarah Palin's isn't that NTQUL5D?
I have Purdue plates
Lisa: Birds of a feather ...
Jenn: You're right--the other car would make more sense. Still, better that she has HIOFCER than HIOCFER. That's just tempting them to pull you over.
Barbara: I'm stumped. Maybe you're suggesting that you love Def Leppard fans?
Mike: You lost me on NOTKTPS. Maybe I'm dense today ... this falls in my “What the &#$% does that mean?!?” category.
Jessica: What would yours say if you get one?
Phats: Yikes. Bill Clinton must have had the same plate when he ran in '92 as governor of a small state! So what does your Purdue plate say (or is it just the frame)?
hmm, I haven't really thought of one that I would really want. That also wouldn't be incredibly cheese.
It's just the frame. It's one of those special plates were the proceeds go to the John Purdue Club.
yeah caribou barbie can stay in Alaska
I would never shell out the dough for something like that. I am out on the road to go somewhere not to be entertainment for others.
You forgot:
Michael Jackson
One of my favs was one I saw on a silver Ferrari: HI O AG
mine lately would be NOSLEEP
I remember not too long ago someones quest to get one which referenced something crass made the news. The persons said it didn't mean what everyone knew it meant but I don't think he ended up with the plate. I really wish I could remeber what it said... That would make this comment have some value, instead it's just me rambling on about nothing, lol.
I saw an exterminator with "BUG 1" as his vanity plate today. I imagined Dale Gribble behind the wheel.
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