Days To Remember
Another crazy week for the Amulet Man, so another classic post revisited. This one is spurred by the interview of Angelina Jolie I saw on this morning's Today show. In her honor, please enjoy this post from last year around this time.
And add your idea for a "new holiday" in the comments!
I’ve always thought we could use more holidays.
Sure, it’s nice to get off for the usual occasions, like Christmas and Thanksgiving … but too often you really need that day away on October 3 or May 25 instead of one of those obvious days.
One solution is the “personal day,” the corporate benefit that allows employees to pick their own special day. Not bad, especially if you get several of them.
Even better, though, is just creating your own fancy holiday.
The greeting card companies have tried this for years, with varying success. I keep hearing about this apparently popular “Sweetest Day,” although I’m not sure if my fiancée would be flattered or insulted if I ever called her “sweetest.” Other such fake holidays, like “Grandparents’ Day,” have few fans.
But I am a fan of one particular idea along these lines. According to, in a recent radio poll in Namibia, half of the callers expressed support for making the day Angelina Jolie gives birth to Brad Pitt’s baby a national holiday.
That’s NOT a typo—Namibians are actually considering making Brangelina’s big day a historic event simply because the couple has been shacking up at a beach resort in their country while waiting for the most beautiful baby ever to pop out.
If this concept takes off, don’t be surprised to see a wave of new national holidays, giving people in these places days off for:
France: “I’m French … So I Just Don’t Want To Work Today” Day
The United States: “American Idol Final Selection Show” Day
Mexico: “Get an Early Start Walking North” Day
Namibia: “Britney Spears’ 30th Birthday/Fifth Childbirth” Day
Belgium: Nothing. You see, the Belgians keep trying to come up with a new holiday, but they will never settle on one. Why?
Because Belgians waffle.