False Identity
Many of us have had embarrassing experiences with our identification.
Some of you, in younger days, tried to purchase alcohol using fake IDs. Maybe it worked, maybe you found yourself in a world of hurt … that’s between you and your local sheriff.
Once past legal age, it’s merely or annoying—or, for some people, flattering—when a server asks you to confirm your age. The primary humiliation associated with your driver’s license these days focuses on that goofy picture.
Unless you’re Maria Bergan of Lakewood, Ohio.
Poor Maria. All she did was show her ID to the bar waitress to buy a drink.
Too bad the driver’s license she handed over actually belonged to that waitress—who had reported her wallet stolen weeks earlier and was stunned to see her own face looking back at her from Maria’s identification.
Poor Maria. Now she’s facing charges of identity theft and receiving stolen property.
This Ohio waitress, however, is not the first person to suffer from identity issues. Click on each of the links below to see a pair of celebrity look-alikes in a new window.
Actor Ethan Hawke … and singer Mark McGrath
Former Beatle Ringo Starr … and former Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat
Actress Eva Longoria … and actress Marisa Tomei
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan … and actor Morgan Freeman
Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars … and Pope Benedict XVI
They say that everyone has a twin somewhere in the world. And these pictures back that up.
Which leads me to ask: What celebrity do you most resemble?
If it’s a waitress in Ohio, think twice about flashing that ID.
I don't think I resemble any celebrity, but I sure have a lot of look-alikes. People regularly walk up to me on the street or in the mall, and say "Hey Cathy(or Maria or...insert name), how have you been, long time no see!"
Uhhh..sorry, you have me confused with someone else.
It happens all the time!
Ringo and Arafat and the Pope and Palpatine were the closest. Especially Ringo.I'm always mistaken for a non specific person. Often people say, "I know you from somewhere." But they never can figure out where. Eventually they'll say "Were you ever at so and so?" And I'll just agree with them so they'll leave me alone.
I am unique! I am untwinable!
That being said when I was 12 I looked like Punky Brewster. That kind of "twinning" doesn't help you in junior high. It really, really doesn't. Sigh. I suppose it could be worse...I could've been twins with George.
Now I'd kill to be carded now. I really, really would. Sigh. And the Ringo/Yasir? Spooooooky, as my non-twin's 3 year old would say.
I AM a celebrity ... in my own mind at least.
There was a time in my life, when I had big hair and clapped like a seal, so I resembled Paula Abdul. *shudder* There was definitely something wrong with me then.
That's pretty funny.
In my younger days (more hair on my head and less on my face), I was told that I looked like Jerry Seinfeld. I was even in Sweden once and a bunch of people over there came up to me in a bar just to tell me that. Wish I had his money.
Dabich: Better not to be mixed up with any celebrity than to be confused with bad ones. And there are lots of them.
DWO: I wonder if the Pope can shoot electricity out of his fingertips.
Jenna: We're all gald you grew out of that Punky Brewster phase. Nobody wants to see more of that.
Curare: I'm glad you've grwon out of the big hair phase. But, I hate to tell you, you're still doing that clapping like a seal thing. And it's embarrassing when we're out in public together.
Mike: You should have capitalized on that and had some free drinks!
-- david
Once upon a time I most closely resembled Alfred E. Neuman. I'd like to think I've grown out of that.
The Pope and Emperor are the most freaky to me.
I'd hate to go to confession and hear from the other side, "the force is stroooong with you, I can feel your anger!" and wouldn't it be so much worse in German?
I don't think I have a look-alike, and that's probably a good thing. :)
Have you seen the latest pics of Mel Gibson ?
He bears a remarkable resemblance to Saddam Hussein
I don't think I have a movie star double, but I have a movie personality double.
Ever seen the movie "High Fidelity"
The John Cusack character is as close to me, that it really scares me.
The first time I ever saw Kofi Annan, I said, out loud, when the hell did Morgan Freeman get nominated to the UN?
In the past, I've had some people tell me I resemble Eric Clapton. Now, I look a lot more like Madam, that ventriloquist dummy...
I've been told I look like Christian Slater or Hugh Jackman, depending on the hair and my weight. Not too bad, in my opinion.
You forgot to mention the woman in
ohio also had used the waitresse's credit card to charge up over $1000. Must be of French descent with that streak of Midwestern brilliance...
Oh, and don't forget Michael Douglas and Pat Riley, especially a few years ago.
Perplexio: I'd like to think you've outgrown that, too. But if not, perhaps it explains why you're covered up in your picture.
OMW: I don't know which is creepier: looking at the Pope and thinking of the Emperor ... or looking at the Emperor and thinking of this Pope!
Ben: Opening up personality matches as well as look-alikes is a big step. If you're really like the John Cusack character, you must be a fun guy.
Bruce: I wonder if resembling Clapton's appearance has rubbed off on your guitar skills. Or on your proclivity toward cocaine and alcohol consumption.
Mike: You could do worse, that's for sure. From the tiny pic you have here, I'd say Christian Slater. And the Pat Riley/Michael Douglas match is a good one. As for the Ohio case, I read that the stolen credit card had been used for the charges you mention, but not that Maria had necessarily been the one doing it. Last I heard, they were still sorting out if she was responsible or if she just got the ID from another crimiinal who made the charges. Either way, she is learning her lesson!
-- david
I have been told that I look like Genesis from the Real World.
That is my claim to fame. Whoohoo!
HAHA busted! that's so funny.
I get carded ALL THE TIME! and I am 29
david..sadly, the answer to those three questions is a resounding no.
This was too fun! Loved it. (poor maria).
I haven't been carded in a few years but people mistake me for Charlize Theron constantly. It really gets annoying!
People have told me I resemble Jim Morrison, but for some reason the girls aren't crawling all over me so I don't know how true that is.
When I'm thinner - I'm told I look like Drew Barrymore constantly. I guess with all the weight I'm losing lately that I will be her twin once again...
LOL ohh the waitress was so lucky!
I have to think about who I look like and get back with ya. I am not sure.
Wow, some of those pictures are too close! As for who I look like, I would say a cross between Thomas Dolby and The Incredible Hulk (leaning to Mr. Dolby).
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BV: Better to look like Genesis from the Real World than like Phil Collins from Genesis.
Mimi, Erika: These are amazing coincidences. The odds of it happening are so low ... but with all the thefts of purses and wallets, I have to think that it must go on more than we hear about.
Phats, Laurie: I think it would be fun to have a fake ID that shows your real picture, but has a bithdate of something like 1935. Now THAT would get one hell of a double take.
Bruce: You can't blame me for wishing that for you.
Bar: If you really look like Charlize, you need to spend much more time posting pictures of yourself and much less time posting those silly little things called words.
Jeff: It's probably not working because you're not wearing tight leather pants and grunting like a wild beast in heat. If you ARE doing these things, AND you look like the Lizard King, but you're somehow NOT a chick magnet, well ... then maybe it's time to hop a flight to Paris and spend some quality time in a bathtub. (If this is over anyone's head, please read No One Here Gets Out Alive, watch The Doors, or look up "Jim Morrison" on Wikipedia.)
Jacque: If those thinner times included your childhood, I hope you didn't act like Drew and abuse alcohol at 9, smoke pot when 10, and take cocaine at 12. That's not good for anybody.
-- david
That was my delete, the link didn't work.
People tell me I look like Christopher Walken. Sometimes I see it; sometimes I don't.
How stupid can you be to show someone their own ID? I mean, yeah, the odds are for you getting away with it, but c'mon...Excercise some due diligence. This person will no doubt be later featured in the Darwin awards. I was told by an apparent blind guy once that I look like Brook Shields.
Oh. My. God. Where do you find these stories? Talk about bad luck, or good luck...depending on whose perspective you are taking.:)
"All asians look the same anyway".
Lucy Liu however, is hot stuff.
former beatle ringo starr.
that's painful. isn't he just beatle, Ringo star
(who's feeling sentimental for strawberry fields)
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I heard this one on Paul Harvey's radio show yesterday. I almost put my car in a ditch.
Siren most definitely looks like Kate Winslet, by the way.
Most of my adult life, people say I'm Superman's Dean Cain's twin. Believe it, or not...
(My word verification: "axepoop")
When I had hair I was told that I looked like Tom Petty. Now I probably look like Boris Karloff which is even cooler.
Duke Bluedevils?! I dunno about that deal my friends might disown me
Just a reply to your comment, No One Here Gets Out Alive is probably the greatest biography ever written.
I don't resemble any celebrities even if I'm such a beautiful flower haha.
I still get carded even if I'm xx-ty something...
... but not often... I don't look that young :-)
Great post. The Emporer/Pope thing was especially amusing.
I've been told I look like Drew Carey when I'm wearing my glasses, like John Goodman when I'm dancing, and like Chris Farley when I'm falling on coffee tables.
ZW: I'll have to trust you on that, because your link just sends me to a MySpace sign-in page, and I'm not joining any other cults at this time.
Grafs: A blind guy told you that you looked like Brooke Shields? Did he "see" you by feeling your Calvin Kleins?
Janet: Funny you should ask ... the stories are delivered to me every few days by a talking wombat.
Fatty: I've never thought all Asians looked alike. Yao Ming, for example, looks nothing like Lucy Liu.
Jay: Beatle Ringo Starr became former Beatle Ringo Starr in April 1970, the way I see it.
Siren: I'll believe Phoenix and see you as Kate Winslet. Only smarter.
-- david
Phoenix: If you're really Dean Cain-like, can you PLEASE use that super cold breath ability to cool off the east coast? Thanks.
Metal Mark: Either waty, you're a winner. I hope you're enjoying your week away.
Phats: I'm taking a risk myself by thinking kindly of Purdue--I have many connections to other Big Ten schools!
Jeff: I'll agree with you there. I also enjoyed the Led Zeppelin bio Hammer of the Gods and the recent Motley Crue book Dirt.
MIssy: I'd say from your pic that you most resemble Dido.
Rocky: Based on these three, I'd venture to guess that you look like Dilbert when in a cartoon.
-- david
I read about that...what are the odds, huh?
And I've been told I favor Shania Twain...but I have a bit more "junk in my trunk" than she does! ;)
david, of course you're right and i am just being nostalgic about Ringo. i reckon i was following the once a beatle always a beetle logic.
regarding my doppleganger, i have been told i look like Jeremy Irons, michaal stipe, andy dick and the little kid from ET.
Great story. I would love to see a video of what happened when the waitress saw the ID.
If Maria stole it...it serves her right!
That's karma for ya.
Ingenious--especially that one about Ethan Hawke....didn't think of that one. But then I'm always told I look like someone else. Maybe we all share the same genes.
Linked ya, buddy. Love the blog.
When I was a teenager in the 70's, I was told I looked a lot like Cher (pre-cosmetic surgery). After I dyed my hair red in the 80's, people told me I looked like Victoria Principal. In the 90's, it was some actress on General Hospital. These days it's Tina Fey. I'm not complaining since these are some fine lookin' women. Unfortunately, I'm their much LARGER version, not their exact twins.
What an idiot!
Way back when Lady Di forst started dating Charles I used to get told I resembeled here. I had the same hair style, mannerisums(sp) and big nose.
Of course she went on and turned into a beautiful swan and me , well i just sort of sunk ;)
MySpace is a cult?
I guess I should pour out the rest of this Kool-Aid they gave me...
Regarding handing the waitress her own ID...
To quote my favorite line from "American Beauty"
That's so funny. I had a similar thing happen to me once when I worked a liquor store (in college). I carded a guy and he handed me an id that I recognized as a regular who came into the store the night before. I said to the guy, "This isn't you." And he indignantly replied, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT ISN'T ME?!"
As I nailed the id onto our "wall of shame" I retorted back, "Because I know this guy...and he was in here last night!"
I let him leave emptyhanded...and shamefaced though. I have never had as much lust for life as I had when I was confiscating id's from kids at that liquor store. Damn it was fun.
You wouldn't belive how many times I was asked that question, and nope, I can't find a celeb who looks like me!
How about you?
LOL, oh they are too funny, poor Maria! Thanks for making my Friday :o)
Eh, probably the closest thing would be pre-nose job Jennifer Grey -- although I also got "Blossum" when I was younger, too, but no longer own any floppy hats with flowers on them.
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