Oil, International Relations, and Angelina Jolie
I thought that title might catch you.
This is a shout-out post, a pat on the back. Virtually, that is. I have come across two blog entries in the past 24 hours that made me stand up and salute. Again, only virtually. Being a sharing person by nature, here goes:
The first is a new post on Oil Politics International, an excellent blog covering issues of foreign affairs as they relate to energy and oil. The blog had been on hiatus for a few months, but it's back and just as insightful as ever. If you spend only five minutes a week reading about the rest of the world--and how it affects everything from prices at your pump to our country's future--spend it at Oil Politics International.
And the blog's writer has encyclopedic knowledge of world politics and energy issues, so use his comments section as your personal tutor space. Or your prep course for that "Jeopardy!" appearance you keep putting off.
The second is a new post about popular perceptions of Angelina Jolie (and Brad Pitt, to a lesser extent) on Stranded in Suburbia. If you don't like Ms. Jolie for her Billy Bob-blood antics or brother-kissing habits, fine. But Laurie points out that a little green monster may have more influence than logic does on Angelina-haters.
So what do you think--is Angelina a vicious homewrecker ... or a talented, gorgeous woman whose independent streak is refreshing? Is she really of Czech, French-Canadian, English, and Iroquois ethnicity ... or of otherworld origins? Talk to me.
Personally I think Angelina Jolie is great, and I hardly ever bother reading the tabloids to find out what the recent gossip is on her and Brad Pitt. Besides, whether her involvement with Brad caused the divorce with Jen or not is more Brad's problem than Angelina's. He's the one who stepped out after all...
I think she's a great actress, but I think she also has mental problems. Let's just say I don't trust her, but so what, I don't know her & probably never will. I really don't care what she does with her life.
She's not with a band or wearing a football helmet so my interest is fading fast.
She has more in the looks and balls areas than either the brains or respect areas. I can't forget the afterglow kisses with Billy Bob on the Red carpet as Billy Bob tells the reporter that they had just f**ked in the car as Angelinas Dad stands in the background of the shot.
david, great presidential post by the way...i am too tired to check out the first link tonight, but I already read Laurie's, so I feel free to comment on it. I think Jealousy plays a big part in people's opinions about Angelina...women are threatened by other women who use sexuality to get what they want...too bad, because it ususally works.
Apparently she has been waxed Cinderella's evil step mother in some sort of wax museum. Why do these establishments exist?
She's a beautiful woman, and she does a lot of philanthropy. That whole thing with Billy Bob and her brother, however, make me believe she is mentally unstable too.
Looks like more positive than negative about the lady so far. Well, apart from the mental problems and lack of respect ... She has said before that her close (er, VERY close) relationship with her brother derives from the abusive household they endured as children. For what that's worth.
Jane: Same to you but more of it. 'Twas a honor.
Psychic: The wax museum is on my list of creepiest human inventions. Along with the clown.
-- david
Peak Oil is another site *peakoil.com* with a ton of great info.
I read an interesting article the other day about how the war isn't about oil as much as it's about making sure that oil is traded in dollars. A viewpoint I'd not run into before. But it made perfect sense.
Saddam was ready to make the move from dollars to euros, and now Iran has voiced it's intention to sell oil for euros as well.
Have you run across this argument before? That our standing in the world and our motivations militarily are bassed entirely on maintaining the amount of dollars held by foriegn governments.
I have not seen this argument; I'm sure cash reserves (or lack thereof) are a factor in many such decisions. In most cases, however, I find that the simplest explanation is the best, and decision to get into the Iraq war can be explained much more simply than via a dollar-reserves conspiracy.
Thanks for stopping by--I'll have to check out the Peak Oil site.
-- david
I think Angelina Jolie is a very odd person. I'm glad she is involved as a goodwill ambassador, though, and I applaud her efforts to help others. I've seen her in a couple of interviews, and she is just very odd. I think she has a lot of emotional issues.
I like simple explanations too. This explanation SIMPLY fits with the notion that what is on the surface is NEVER the truth. :-)
I'll be holding onto that first link so I can add to my understanding of energy issues. Thank you for that. As for Angelina, she looks great but people that get upset about what entertainers do with their personal lives need help. I'm shocked that people aren't calling Brad, Womb Raider.
At least now that she's pregnant the orphans of the world can heave a sigh of relief, for a short while.
Hahaha Womb Raider!
Angelina? Hmm.... I don't know what I think about all that.
I'm jealous because she is beautiful however I wouldn't want her life from what I have seen.
I'm sure she is just as mental as the rest of the population the only difference being that it's in the public eye for all to see.
Sometimes I think she is trying to be the new 'Princess Diana'. I'm sure she is doing things out of the kindness of her heart but then again - how much of it's for publicity....?
Oh whatever - she just some chick....
Well if the trashy mags are to be believed "its a boy" due May the 2nd, concieved * shock* Whilst Brad was still married.
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